Water and steam hammer are often the cause of damages and is a difficult problem to solve because this phenomenon is not well understood.
You can download here our guide “How to prevent water and steam hammer, pipe erosion – How to protect graphite chemical equipment”.
You can watch here videos showing you effect of water or steam hammering,
- Condensation induced waterhammer in a pipe
- Water hammer explanation
- Steam hammer slow motion
- Closing valve water hammer slow motion
- Steam hammer demonstration by TLV
Water hammer closing valve on steel pipe installation
This guide was made with the support of TLV (See www.tlv.com for all their steam solutions)
TLV has a long experience and expertise in the field of steam engineering and together with Graphite Technology, knowledge can increase lifetime, reduce maintenance and steam costs.
This guide, made from our experts, can help you to identify and understand problems and save costs.
This guide deal with the following problems of operating equipment
- Water and steam hammering and prevention
- Methods for cleaning equipment
- Check of installation & inspection fo graphite equipment
- Piping erosion
Contact us here for more details and to study how we can expertise your installation.
GT has developed a WATER HAMMER protecting device that you can procure here.
This device is the world unique device adapted for corrosive media applications at high pressure and temperature.
GT has developed a device P-sensor to monitor your pressure level even during very short time (~10ms) happening with steam or waterhammer. You can procure this device here.
This device is the world unique device adapted for corrosive media applications at high pressure and temperature.